NMR Tubes - Special Purpose |
Sample Vault™ Series / For Bruker Sample Jet System |
Introducing our new Sample Vault™ Series NMR tubes with NorLoc™ caps, engineered for a new generation of high-throughput lab automation systems. Designed to be used with 96 position carriers using 103.5mm (4") long NMR tubes with open port caps, or 178mm (7") long NMR tubes with closed port caps. NorLoc™ caps have superior holding and sealing capabilities which eliminate cap/tube failure in your instrument. Our patent pending design incorporates a blue band positioned on the NMR tube that aligns with the base of the cap, indicating a properly locked position. Our NorLoc™ cap and Sample Vault™ tube is an integrated closure system for fail-safe delivery of your sample into the magnet. We offer Sample Vault Series™ tubes in both 3mm & 5mm for use up to 700 MHz and up to 950 MHz. Our proven quality and innovative engineering speaks for itself. |
For Bruker Match™ System NMR Sample Tubes |
NEW 1mm tube with larger I.D. (Part Number: S-1-0.78-500-1)
A new line of ultra-precision machined NMR tubes specifically made for the Bruker MATCH™ System. Featured are eight different tube sizes you can choose from depending on sample volume. For added convenience, we have color-coded caps to match tube sizes.
*Recommended sample volumes by Bruker Biospin™. Use 3.0mm to 5.0mm OD tubes for 5mm RT probe, and 1.0mm to 2.5mm OD tubes for 3mm Cryo-Probe. 13.0mm size not recommended for dedicated 1mm Bruker Probe. |
Valved NMR Sample Tubes |
Handle your NMR sample without flame-sealing your tubes. Fluoropolymer covered o-ring eliminates material incompatibilities. Completely greaseless Fluoropolymer assembly which is easy to use and to disassemble for cleaning. Includes female joint for quick attachment to your vacuum rack. |
Screw-Cap NMR Sample Tubes |
Convenient screw cap access with the security of a fluoropolymer seal. Supplied with open top cap & fluoropolymer septum for quick and clean access with a 22 gauge standard point needle. |
5mm Natural Quartz NMR Sample Tubes |
Recommended for Boron NMR [<0.1 ppm Boron] and/or UV catalyzed reactions in the region above 210nm [90%T @ 210nm]. Available in packs of 5. |
Constricted Select Series™ for High Resolution NMR |
Constricted NMR tubes offer a convenient way to seal your sample from air or other contaminants. Simply heat the constricted portion using a suitable source, and gently twist and pull on the open end to seal. Also allows samples to be stored under vacuum or inert gas. |
Constricted Standard Series™ for Routine NMR |
Constricted NMR tubes offer a convenient way to seal your sample from air or other contaminants. Simply heat the constricted portion using a suitable source, and gently twist and pull on the open end to seal. Also allows samples to be stored under vacuum or inert gas. |
Amberized Select Series™ for High-Resolution NMR |
Amberized NMR tubes offer photosensitive materials protection from visible and ultraviolet radiation. Typical absorbance (ABS) is between 0.5 and 1.0 from 650 to 300 nm and is greater than 1.0 from 300 to 190 nm. |
Amberized Standard Series™ for Routine NMR |
Amberized NMR tubes offer photosensitive materials protection from visible and ultraviolet radiation. Typical absorbance (ABS) is between 0.5 and 1.0 from 650 to 300 nm and is greater than 1.0 from 300 to 190 nm. |
Bruker Microbore NMR Sample Tube |
New ultra-precision NMR tube for Bruker's microprobes, offers complete reliability and reproducibility over other brands. Features a tapered lower stem mounted on a high precision 800 MHz rated 5mm Select Series™ NMR tube that performs perfectly even under severe temperature gradients. Data integrity is completely assured thanks to our high quality manufacturing standards. |
Heavy Wall NMR Sample Tubes |
Heavy wall (1.4 mm) NMR tubes offer the ultimate protection from breakage, either through rapid changes in temperature or pressure, or from mishandling. Recommended for use with hazardous or radioactive samples, where sample containment is critical. Available either constricted and/or amberized. |
Medium Wall NMR Sample Tubes |
Medium wall (0.8 mm) NMR tubes offer added protection from breakage while keeping 94% of the sample volume. Can be used for student use or in auto-sampling systems. Available either constricted and/or amberized. |
High-Throughput NMR Sample Tubes |
NEW 4mm and 4.25mm sizes.
Recommended for use with our 5mm spinner turbine inserts.
Ideal for reducing salt effects when running buffered solutions for bio-samples. Only Norell can satisfy the many customer requests for a High-Throughput NMR tube that features both high-precision, as required in today’s high-field spectrometers, and economy in price. Made from ASTM Type 1 borosilicate glass for reproducibility and durability. Specially designed for onetime use for routine NMR, our high-precision NMR tubes will out-perform more expensive competitor brands. See for yourself. Available in packs of 25. |
Select Series NMR Sample Tubes for Ceramic Turbines |
Ceramic spinner turbines, often relied upon for variable or high temperature applications, are manufactured to extremely precise dimensional specifications. To meet this stringent diameter requirement, Norell has developed a new line of NMR sample tubes, including both 5mm and 3mm O.D. sizes, that adhere to strict outside diameter specifications that are very tightly controlled. |