High Performance Spinner Turbine Toroids - O-Ring for 3mm Varian Spinner Turbine
- 10 Pack
- Fluorosilicone Elastomer
For your spinner turbine maintenance and repair, Norell, Inc. offers superior, high performance replacement components for the standard o-rings as supplied by the spinner turbine manufacturer.
CTS-5-800-7 |
Select Series™ 5mm NMR Sample Tubes for Ceramic Turbines, 5 Pack - 5mm
- 800MHz
- 7 Inch (178mm)
- Ships with Economy Cap. NorLoc™ Caps Sold Separately.
Our “Select Series™” NMR tubes are manufactured out of ASTM Type 1 Class A glass, commonly referred to as Pyrex® 7740 (Corning), Duran® (Schott Glass), or Kimax® KG-33 (Kimble) glass. When working under variable temperature conditions, the tube diameter specifications narrow and tighten even more to take account of any slight thermal expansions or contractions in the ceramic turbine. To meet this stringent diameter requirement, Norell has developed a line of NMR sample tubes, including both 5mm and 3mm O.D. sizes, that adhere to strict outside diameter specifications that are very tightly controlled. |
Price: $290.48 |
S-5-600-HW-EX1-HPV-8 |
5mm, Extreme Series Level 1, Valved NMR Tubes for Extreme Pressure, 1 Pack - 5mm
- 600MHz
- 8" (203mm) NMR Tube
- Heavy Wall
- For High Pressure
Base Protection: Level 1 includes an additional standard fluoroelastomer o-ring seal to augment the existing fluoroelastomer o-ring, thus providing a secondary, backup o-ring if the primary one leaks or fails because of wear or physical damage. The Extreme Series remains similar in function, use and pressure capability to the traditional High Pressure Valved NMR Sample Tubes, but the PTFE fluoropolymer valve plug has been upgraded and improved by changes to the design of the o-ring seal. The Extreme Series line consists of two categories: Level 1 and Level 3. Both levels incorporate a certain higher degree of valve seal integrity to guard against leakage or pressure loss due to o-ring failure caused by wear or other physical damage, and / or deterioration or damage caused by chemical exposure. |
Price: $479.48 |
TL-15-7 |
Price: $41.59 |
S-5-500-8 |
Select Series™ 5mm, Ultra-Precision NMR Tubes, 5 Pack - 5mm
- 500MHz
- 8 Inch (203mm)
- Ships with Economy Cap. NorLoc™ Caps Sold Separately.
Our “Select Series™” NMR tubes are manufactured out of ASTM Type 1 Class A glass, commonly referred to as Pyrex® 7740 (Corning), Duran® (Schott Glass), or Kimax® KG-33 (Kimble) glass. Key properties that make this glass type desirable for NMR are its high degree of thermal shock resistance and low expansion coefficient. This allows for a greater margin of safety from breakage when used in variable temperature applications and freeze/thaw cycling, or under any other application where large temperature variations are required in the experiment. Each NMR tube is checked for concentricity and camber specifications utilizing the latest computer technology. |
Price: $144.27 |