Patented Design Elements Allow Safe & Secure Closure
The standard 5mm and 3mm NMR tube cap designs have existed for decades. Many users can attest to the significant flaws inherent in the traditional NMR tube caps, especially when faced with the chore of capping numerous sample tubes.
NorLoc™ Caps work well with any NMR tube but are best when paired with Secure Series™ NMR sample tubes from Norell®. Internal components of NorLoc™ caps engage with the security band printed on our Secure Series™ NMR tubes and indicate one of two stages of closure.
The patented design of our 5mm NorLoc® NMR tube cap remarkably outperforms the only available alternative, the traditional 5mm NMR tube cap, as shown by the following evaporation test data:
5mm Economy Cap
5mm NorLoc Cap
%w/w remaining
Solvent after 1 day*
%w/w remaining
Solvent after 10 days*
%w/w remaining
Solvent after 1 day*
%w/w remaining
Solvent after 10 days*
Acetone-d6 + 0.05%v/v TMS
Chloroform-d + 0.03%v/v TMS
DMSO-d6 + 0.05%v/v TMS
*Samples were stored in open beakers on a lab bench for the specified time period at
an average room temperature of 72°F (22°C) and 50% - 60% relative humidity.
Patented Design Elements Allow Safe & Secure Closure
The standard 5mm and 3mm NMR tube cap designs have existed for decades. Many users can attest to the significant flaws inherent in the traditional NMR tube caps, especially when faced with the chore of capping numerous sample tubes.
NorLoc™ Caps work well with any NMR tube but are best when paired with Secure Series™ NMR sample tubes from Norell®. Internal components of NorLoc™ caps engage with the security band printed on our Secure Series™ NMR tubes and indicate one of two stages of closure.
Standard Series™ High-Throughput NMR Tubes, 50 Pack
7 Inch (178mm)
For Routine NMR
Our “Standard Series™” NMR tubes are manufactured out of ASTM Type 1 Class B glass, commonly referred to as N-51A. Applications that are suited for using this type of glass are routine NMR where samples are run under room temperatures with no thermal gradients. It is therefore not recommended to fuse this glass with standard vacuum manifolds and the like, since these are generally made out of Type 1 Class A glass. Each NMR tube is checked for concentricity and camber specifications utilizing the latest computer technology.
Our “Standard Series™” NMR tubes are manufactured out of ASTM Type 1 Class B glass, commonly referred to as N-51A. Applications that are suited for using this type of glass are routine NMR where samples are run under room temperatures with no thermal gradients. It is therefore not recommended to fuse this glass with standard vacuum manifolds and the like, since these are generally made out of Type 1 Class A glass. Each NMR tube is checked for concentricity and camber specifications utilizing the latest computer technology.
Patented Design Elements Allow Safe & Secure Closure
The standard 5mm and 3mm NMR tube cap designs have existed for decades. Many users can attest to the significant flaws inherent in the traditional NMR tube caps, especially when faced with the chore of capping numerous sample tubes.
NorLoc™ Caps work well with any NMR tube but are best when paired with Secure Series™ NMR sample tubes from Norell®. Internal components of NorLoc™ caps engage with the security band printed on our Secure Series™ NMR tubes and indicate one of two stages of closure.
Patented Design Elements Allow Safe & Secure Closure
The standard 5mm and 3mm NMR tube cap designs have existed for decades. Many users can attest to the significant flaws inherent in the traditional NMR tube caps, especially when faced with the chore of capping numerous sample tubes.
NorLoc™ Caps work well with any NMR tube but are best when paired with Secure Series™ NMR sample tubes from Norell®. Internal components of NorLoc™ caps engage with the security band printed on our Secure Series™ NMR tubes and indicate one of two stages of closure.
Patented Design Elements Allow Safe & Secure Closure
The standard 5mm and 3mm NMR tube cap designs have existed for decades. Many users can attest to the significant flaws inherent in the traditional NMR tube caps, especially when faced with the chore of capping numerous sample tubes.
NorLoc™ Caps work well with any NMR tube but are best when paired with Secure Series™ NMR sample tubes from Norell®. Internal components of NorLoc™ caps engage with the security band printed on our Secure Series™ NMR tubes and indicate one of two stages of closure.
Ships with Economy Cap. NorLoc™ Caps Sold Separately.
Our “Select Series™” NMR tubes are manufactured out of ASTM Type 1 Class A glass, commonly referred to as Pyrex® 7740 (Corning), Duran® (Schott Glass), or Kimax® KG-33 (Kimble) glass.
Key properties that make this glass type desirable for NMR are its high degree of thermal shock resistance and low expansion coefficient. This allows for a greater margin of safety from breakage when used in variable temperature applications and freeze/thaw cycling, or under any other application where large temperature variations are required in the experiment.
Each NMR tube is checked for concentricity and camber specifications utilizing the latest computer technology.
Standard Series™ High-Throughput NMR Tubes, 100 Pack
7 Inch (178mm)
For Routine NMR
Our “Standard Series™” NMR tubes are manufactured out of ASTM Type 1 Class B glass, commonly referred to as N-51A. Applications that are suited for using this type of glass are routine NMR where samples are run under room temperatures with no thermal gradients. It is therefore not recommended to fuse this glass with standard vacuum manifolds and the like, since these are generally made out of Type 1 Class A glass. Each NMR tube is checked for concentricity and camber specifications utilizing the latest computer technology.